Giving Students a Platform

We plan on giving students a platform that they can use advocate for the causes they care about.

Students consistently post, repost, and share content on their social medias related to important causes, however, that is often the extent of what they do. What if there was a better way for students to not only express their views, but be able to create a tangible difference for these causes?

Enter Anthologies for Advance. We are an organization of students who work together to create an anthology every month based on our issue of the month. An anthology is a body of work from multiple authors composed of poetry, prose, sketches, drawings, and digital art. We plan to use these anthologies to raise funds for the important causes they are written about. We give other students a platform in order to express themselves artistically and take action on the causes they care about! Our work is for the world, by students!


1) 1st anthology launch

Now what have we done so far? We have run our first anthology for the BLM movement, creating a large anthology and raising a modest donation for the movement. However, that is just the beginning as our next anthology is going to be focused on COVID 19 and we are going to be talking to our local representatives and ask them for help in reaching our audience, donors who are willing to take action.

 Our movement starts with students who express an issue through art and ends with donors who are moved by our art and want to donate. So what are you waiting for? Join Anthologies For Advance to take action on the things that move you! Because all it takes is some student art to give change a great head start! 

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